Optical fibers are used as light conducting components in many types of sensors to measure different physical properties of specimens and environments. Several applications in optoelectronics research and development require optical fibers to be precisely positioned to optimize photon collection or localized illumination on light emitting or photovoltaic materials or nanostructures. This challenging operation can be easily achieved by using the miBot™ as a nanometer precision optical fiber positioner.
This video illustrates the positioning of an optical fiber with a miBot™ over an LED that is electrically contacted by two other miBots. By varying the electrical potential applied on the LED, this configuration enables to measure the spectral characteristics of the light-emitting diode.
Samples modifications (e.g. larger/smaller size or different shape) can be quickly accommodated by coarsely repositioning the miBots by hand or by taking advantage of their freedom of movement.
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